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"Stitch lab is a design education program that uses a series of graphic design-based workshops for aspiring teen designers to help cultivate their dreams in fashion." 

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Our Learning Approach 

At Stitch Lab, we believe that hands-on learning is the best way to provide teens with the educational tools and life skills needed to be an entrepreneur. Our  program offers students the opportunity to learn and develop skills in various areas such as graphic design, fashion design, product development, marketing, and more. Your kids will be designing and manufacturing their own products as they learn what it takes to make their own collection.

Our mission is to provide a safe and creative space to foster the development of young minds and to help them build the confidence needed to pursue their dreams. We strive to create a supportive and inspiring environment where everyone is welcome.

"If our timelines don't fit your needs let us build a program just for you"

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Please contact us for pricing 

Working With the Best Clients and Partners


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